  1. Colorado

From the recording Runs with Scissors

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A love song for the place I feel most at home.


Colorado – DADGAD – full capo on 1, three string capo on 8 from the low side

Sometimes late at night the wind picks up and takes me
High up where the snow lives on a mountain
A cabin warmed by fire high on a hillside
Is where my heart lives would you like to see it?

It's the finest place I've known, it's my home
My soul's in Colorado, don't you know?

The winter wind blows cold through mountain passes
Until the Chinooks come with their warm breezes
The winter chill gives way and life begins a blooming
Even on the high tundra columbine blossom

It's the brightest place I've known, just like a home
I bloom in Colorado, why don't you go?

When spring time comes again, as it always does
The riverbeds rise with snowfall water
The water's icy cold and rolls past old boulders
Placed in this stream here by some ancient glacier

Now that water moves my soul like liquid gold
It's lovely Colorado, riches untold

And when the fall is here, when the season changes
Cold starts its trek down from the great divide
The aspen leaves change hue all with the first freeze
Mountains turned yellow gold in all their splendor

It's a beautiful sight to see, the yellows and greens
The color's Colorado, nature in harmony
It's the color in Colorado, its nature's harmony